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As we continue to prayerfully make plans for reopening the church, we would like to ask for your feedback. We realize there are those who are anxiously waiting for the doors to be open and to worship back inside the sanctuary. We also realize there are others who are looking forward to that but aren’t planning on returning right away, while some of the more vulnerable and at risk are not planning on returning until the situation changes entirely. With the current restrictions in place, we are very limited on how many could worship in the sanctuary and knowing an approximate number who plan on coming back when the doors are open will help in our planning process.


When answering the survey please take into account that when we reopen, it will be for worship only with no childcare or children’s programming. Families will be asked to sit together. Remember we welcome children and they learn to worship by copying you. We will continue to practice safe social distancing guidelines.

Church Survey
I am currently worshipping
When the church does reopen, I/we intend to
When we do return, we anticipate having ____ in our family group.
When we return to church, I/we would be fine sitting in the fellowship hall for "overflow purposes" if necessary and watching the service on a large TV screen.

Thanks for submitting!

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