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Mill Creek's Music Ministry

Music has always been a very important part of Mill Creek Baptist as a church.  We worship with many different types of music.  Our worship services offer a blended variety, from the songs you hear on the radio, to our favorite hymns, and even a little bluegrass now and then.  We offer musical opportunities for  ages 3 and up.  If you are interested in music in any way you will find a way to plug in at Mill Creek. For more information on any music opportunities at Mill Creek, send an email to


Adult Choir

The Adult Choir meets on Wednesday nights from 7:35pm – 9:00pm and regularly provides music for our 10:45am worship service.  You do not have to be able to read music to be a part of our choir. We are a choir family who loves praising God and having fun together.


Christmas Cantata

Each Christmas season the Adult Choir, along with the children and youth, present cantatas/dramas. We begin Christmas rehearsal in August or September from 7:35 pm-8:15pm each Wednesday night.  We invite everyone to sing in these special choirs.  This is the perfect place for those who don’t have the time to commit to choir year around.


Adult Handbells

The Adult Handbell Choir is a three/four octave group that meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm – 7:30pm.  They provide beautiful handbell music a couple times a year for worship and other special events.


Children's Choirs

Children from preschool to 5th grade meet during Mini and Mighty Mill Creek Explorers each Wednesday evening to learn new music, play bells and instruments and prepare for special services throughout the year.



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