Sunday School
We offer a variety of Sunday School classes/small groups for all ages at 9:45am on Sunday Mornings.
Infants & Toddlers:
Teacher/Group Leader: Sue Lee
Location: Lower Level Nursery & Purple Room
Preschool (2s & 3s):
Teacher/Group Leaders: Cindy Holland & Laura Epperly
Location: Lower Level Green Room
Preschool (4s & 5s):
Teacher/Group Leaders: Luke Winand & Gino Arbogast
Location: Lower Level Yellow Room
Kindergarten & 1st Grade:
Teacher/Group Leaders: Peggy Arbogast & Kelly Focht
Location: Lower Level Red Room
2nd & 3rd Grade:
Teacher/Group Leader: Sissy Simpson
Location: Lower Level Orange Room
4th & 5th Grade:
Teacher/Group Leaders: Curtis Akers & Victoria Chocklett
Location: Lower Level Blue Room
Youth (6th - 12th Grade):
Teacher/Group Leaders: Sammy & Jean Minter, Ben & Jess Hayden, Jesse & Teresa Witt, Olivia Simmons
Location: Middle level under Sanctuary in Youth Room
Curriculum: The Gospel Project
College & Careers:
(College Age & Young Singles)
Teacher/Group Leader: Sandy Hodges, Teresa Garrett & Adam Bowser
Location: Classroom beside Fellowship Hall Entrance (M-2)
Curriculum: Video studies geared toward the demographic
Fueling Our Faith:
(Young to Middle-Aged Adults)
Teacher/Group Leader: Clara Holland
Location: Classroom beside Fellowship Hall Entrance (M-1)
Curriculum: Video driven studies and occasional book studies
New Adventures:
(Young to Middle-Aged Couples)
Teacher/Group Leader: Josh Witt
Location: Fellowship House
Curriculum: Video driven studies and occasional book studies
Seed Sowers:
(Adults of all Ages)
Teacher/Group Leader: Jason Markham & Dan Bowser
Location: Randy Daniels Room off the Fellowship Hall (M-3)
Curriculum: Books of the Bible and occasional book studies
Helping Hands:
(Senior Adults but All are Welcome)
Teacher/Group Leader: Tom Moore & Bill Potter
Location: Fellowship Hall
Curriculum: Connections Lectionary-based study
Sword of the Spirit:
(Senior Adults but All are Welcome)
Teacher/Group Leader: J. D. Robinson
Location: Classroom at end of office hall upper level (U-3)
Curriculum: Rotates quarterly
Joyful Servants:
(Adults of all Ages)
Teacher/Group Leader: Susan & Donnie Johnson
Location: Upper level beside church office (U-5)
Curriculum: The Gospel Project