I'm New Here
Where do I park?
There is parking in the front on the church along Rt. 11. There is also a parking lot around the back of the church. The sanctuary and fellowship hall are located off of the top/front parking lot. Children’s classes are located directly through the door, located in the rear parking lot.
Where are the church entrances?
There are several entrances into Mill Creek. The sanctuary is located through the front wooden double doors. You may also easily arrive at the sanctuary using the glass doors located in the front parking lot and taking a left through the doors. The area through the double glass doors offers handicap accessibility. Around the back of the church, under the awning is another entrance. This entrance takes you into the children’s area of the church. There is an elevator in this area of the church for those in need of handicap accessibility from the back parking lot up to the fellowship hall and sanctuary.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. We will accept you for who you are no matter what you’re wearing. On any given Sunday you will see people in jeans and people in suits, and everything in between. We gather together to worship and fellowship. We will worship and fellowship together regardless of what you wear.
When do you gather for worship and bible studies?
We have two worship services every Sunday, at 8:30am & 10:45am. We meet for Sunday school at 9:30am on Sundays. We offer several classes, bible studies, and other mission opportunities throughout the week.
6:30pm Wednesdays – Student & Adult Bible Studies
What do you have for my children?
Our children have many opportunities to become involved at Mill Creek.
Sundays – We offer Sunday school classes for all ages at 9:30am. During worship service we offer “Kids on Mission.” Children grades 1-5 gather during worship to learn about missions. Children 3-K will be taken to the children’s area at this time as well for “Mission Friends”. There is a nursery available for babies – 2yrs old for both services and during Sunday school.
Wednesdays– Children have the opportunity to participate in Mighty and Mini Mill Creek Explorers on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm
Music – Currently, our children's music is a part of our Mighty and Mini Mill Creek Explorers on Wednesday evenings.
Youth – The youth also have many opportunities to serve and fellowship here at Mill Creek. We offer Sunday school for youth and youth bible studies. We also have a strong FCA membership at James River High School and Central Academy Middle School.
What We Believe…
We believe that Christianity is essentially a relationship and is not entered into by subscribing to a creed and confessions of faith, nor does it basically consist of systematic theologies or philosophies of religion, but is rather a relationship of the regenerate believer to God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit on the basis of the revealed Word of God, the Bible.
We believe, however, that as Christians, we should agree on and accept a common core of doctrine in order to perpetuate and extend the Kingdom of God and the Church. We, therefore, propose and subscribe to the following Statements of Faith: