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Mill Creek's Music Ministry


Easter at Mill Creek


Sunday, March 21, we will have a small group sharing the wonderful news that Jesus is Lord by singing “It is Finished” at both the 9:00am and 10:45 services inside Mill Creek.


Palm Sunday, March 28, a small group will celebrate in costume singing Hosanna, taking us back to Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem to begin Holy Week.  We will also share the song “In Christ Alone” reminding us that Jesus claimed the Victory by going to the cross for mankind.


Maundy Thursday, April 1, we will observe the Last Supper that Jesus had with His disciples. This is a quiet, contemplative service.  There will be special music from another small group from Mill Creek sharing about the last days of Christ by singing “This is the Night” and also “Oh Come to the Alter”, a song reminding us that Jesus arms are open wide to receive you. We will also have a devotion from Pastor Danny and partake in the Lord's Supper.


Good Friday, April 2, we will remember Jesus' death on the cross by having a brief cross draping service on the front lawn of Mill Creek at 3:00pm.  We will sing and remember the 7 last sayings of Jesus from the cross and drape the cross in black.


Easter Sunday, April 4, we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with Pastor Danny and Pastor Darrell preaching at Limestone Park at 9:00am.  Again, we will share in song with a small group from Mill Creek singing “Living Hope” reminding us that Jesus Christ is our Living Hope and death has lost it’s grip on us when we put our trust and belief in Jesus. We will also welcome Daniel Holter home from college to sing “Death was Arrested” 


Easter Sunday inside Mill Creek will ask the question Have You Met Him?  Pastor Danny will portray several people from the Bible who had an encounter with Jesus that changed their lives.  We will have all the same special music that we had at Limestone Park plus we will celebrate the Lord's Supper.



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